Usually we would ask people around us what to buy and what they recommend. You wanted to buy a new car? Ask your neighbor about his one.
Now we can get information easily from the internet.
Yet it doesn’t make it easier for us. We now have to decide which website to trust and which recommendation to go along with.
That’s where our social network comes in. Anybody can recommend anything, but there is no certainty that we will trust him, but if you know him there is a certain degree of trust…
You trust someone you know way more than someone you don’t…
This fact seems kinda obvious, but think about it for a second, you often trust someone you know even more than an expert on the topic.
Even if your friend or relative has far less expertise on the topic than the expert you don’t know.
Trust is the foundation of our human connection, a person who doesn’t trust anyone won’t get far in life. We always seek for people we can trust and usually these are our nearest.
Why do you trust your nearest, the most!
Your friend, your long lost family member or your colleague from high school calls you and recommends that one course, this one product, that one system. You can trust him, right?
Surely he wouldn’t recommend anything that would be useless and unprofitable for you?
You see there starts the problem, because you know the person recommending you something, you feel obliged to listen. If it’s nothing good for you, you could always leave at any point, right?
Leaving is always an option?!
Well it’s actually way more complicated, people who have a lot of connections and a big social network usually have it because they have been friendly so far and that’s a huge winning point for them.
It’s even harder if the person you know is madly convinced that the product, the course or the idea they talk about is absolutely going to work.
So you have now listened to your friend, and agreed to go to another meeting with some “professionals” you don’t know, who can pitch you the idea better than him.
You still haven’t paid or bought anything so where is the problem?
Well you are already deep into it. You feel obliged to listen, you get emotionally abused to buy something you don’t want and to pay for something you don’t need. You get emotionally forced to believe in something because your friend or nearest did so as well.
You are in the MLM and bought the product or service? What now?
Well now there is really no turning back or is there? You can at least try it out, you say…
You start using the product or service and realize that all the promises and declarations of getting rich through the service are false, or atleast very offshore… BUT, there seems to be one way to work yourself back and get a huge part, or even more of the sum you spend back into your pocket..
You now start selling to others…
Now there is really no going back, you have to believe in the product or all the time and money is lost. But wait, didn’t this friend or mentor tell you there is another way to get the money back AND EVEN MORE?
Now you’ve reached low bottom, you start calling friends and writing high school friends to join the multi level marketing scheme in order to get your money partially back.
And guess what you have to believe in it and sound invested otherwise they won’t believe you.
Oh and not to forget, better not tell them you will get a bonus if you recruit them, or they might hang up immediately.
But some people made a lot of money with this…
Absolutely right, and they did it by recruiting “emotionally easy to abuse people” like you. And you fueled it even more by recruiting some more and moving them higher up the pay-roll.
If you are good at this, then go for it, ruin your family’s, friends and neighbors life just because you wanted to make a quick buck.
Be the one who gets dodged at parties because he is “that sales guy”, or the one who looses all his friends and suddenly finds himself surrounded by a social network that entirely resolves around the MLM since your friends are entirely there, they are the “Yes-Men” of your life and everyone else is distancing themselves from yourself.
Now there is REALLY no Turning back…
Congratulations, you now speedrun the sad life of an MLM guy. A call from a friend, turned into a dream to be too good to be true (it probably is), into someone whose entire life revolves around the MLM they got pitched.
Good luck, trying to win back your “old friends” and family, good luck convincing the guy who spent a whole lot of money in that MLM that he failed because he didn’t “work hard enough”.
Good luck trying to leave your new social network, where all your new friends are in now and leaving a system that is similar to that of a religious sect.