“Why your face is your most valuable asset in the world of online business” 

Now I know what you are thinking: “Where is this gonna go? Is this article going to be about social media influencers? Because I already knew that beauty influencers need their face to market everything.”

I don’t want to tell you that, but instead let me start off with a bold statement:

In the current world of online business, you will most certainly reach a point where you won’t advance and scale your business much further, if you don’t put yourself out there and show your face.

My name is Oliver Johnson and when I was 18 years old, my parents kicked me out. I have been struggling with being independent and earning money online ever since. 

I realized that in order to get independent and make a stable income for myself I had to put myself and my story out there.
So now I have been working with influencers, youtubers and bloggers for over 8 years. 

Or have I?

You see the point I am trying to make is, you instantly felt a bond to me as soon as I gave you a name, and a personal story. Even though there is no way for you to prove my story and you just take it on good faith.

Why humans seek for relatability:

Let’s look at the following example:

In this example, you realize immediately that you feel a personal connection to the person writing the blog.

Build an emotional connection to your target audience

What do you want to present? If you have nothing to present, you still have your face and story. 

And both of them are entirely unique. Think about it for a second, there is no person in the entire world, that has the same face, nor the same story as you.